Archive | January, 2013

How To Prepare For Flu Epidemic

21 Jan
Are you sufficiently protecting yourself against the flu? The CDC made a statement a few days ago that more people in the U.S. are getting the flu this year compared to the same time last year. It could be because certain areas are getting it really bad. At the end of the first week of January, the flu had spread across 47 states. On the 9th January, Boston’s mayor declared a public health emergency. In the Northeast, hospital emergency rooms are becoming crowded with flu stricken patients. If you don’t want to get sick, you better be vigilant now. It could be right at your doorstep. The CDC has yet to confirm whether the flu is peaking or winding down. They will have a better idea in a few weeks time. At a news conference, the Director of CDC urged all Americans to get a flu shot. Do not wait too long to get the shot because if you do, it will be difficult to find a doctor or clinic that have supply of the flu vaccine. The CDC is expecting around 135 million doses from the

How To Prepare For Flu Epidemic