Archive | September, 2012

What Are The Benefits Of Morning Workouts

27 Sep
Many years ago, I forced myself to wake up early to go to the park to exercise before sending my little girl to kindergarten. It was not an easy thing for me because I like to sleep in. I’m sure many of you are like me. If you’re a night owl, it is hard to get out of bed early in the morning. However, there are benefits to working out in the morning. A study conducted at Brigham Young University found that a 45 minutes morning exercise helped reduce food cravings in women. We all know that if you want to lose weight, you’ve got to control your food cravings. Exercising in the morning also means less chance of you skipping the exercise session later on. I’m sure you agree that as the day progresses, you just get busier and busier. There are many things to do and places to go. Getting your exercise done and over with early in the day prevents you from canceling your workout session or social engagements. If you live in places where it gets hot and humid as the sun rises,

Morning Workout Benefits